Plot reference¶
Color names and RGB values¶
To obtain a list of matplotlib native and CSS4 color names along with their RGB values in hexadecimal, use -help colors. This help topic also gives some guidance on specifying colors in o2graph scripts. To plot the CSS4 colors, use -help colors-plot.
Nearby colors¶
To obtain a list of colors near (in RGB space) a specified color, use o2graph -help colors-near <color> where <color> is a named matplotlib color, a HTML-like hexadecimal color, or an array (r,g,b) with entries between 0 and 1. To output the plot to a filename, use o2graph -help colors-near <color> <filename>. To avoid the generation of a matplotlib window, choose the Agg backend first: o2graph -backend Agg -help colors-near <color> <filename>.
o2graph -backend Agg -colors near blue figures/near_blue.png \
-colors near "#ff8200" figures/near_hex.png \
-colors near "(0.1,0.1,0.4)" figures/near_rgb.png

To obtain a quick summary of matplotlib and o2sclpy colormaps, use -help cmaps for a list or -help cmaps-plot [filename] for a plot, e.g.
o2graph -backend Agg -cmap plot figures/cmaps.png

To obtain a quick summary of matplotlib markers, use o2graph -help markers for a list or o2graph -help markers-plot [filename] for a plot, e.g.
o2graph -backend Agg -help markers-plot figures/markers.png

To obtain a summary of matplotlib fonts, use o2graph -help fonts list for a list or o2graph -help fonts pdf to generate one or more pdf files demonstrating the fonts available on your system. The font list depends on your system configuration, but the image below shows what one of the pdf files looks like.