Plot reference


Color names and RGB values

To obtain a list of matplotlib native and CSS4 color names along with their RGB values in hexadecimal, use -help colors. This help topic also gives some guidance on specifying colors in o2graph scripts. To plot the CSS4 colors, use -help colors-plot.

Nearby colors

To obtain a list of colors near (in RGB space) a specified color, use o2graph -help colors-near <color> where <color> is a named matplotlib color, a HTML-like hexadecimal color, or an array (r,g,b) with entries between 0 and 1. To output the plot to a filename, use o2graph -help colors-near <color> <filename>. To avoid the generation of a matplotlib window, choose the Agg backend first: o2graph -backend Agg -help colors-near <color> <filename>.

o2graph -backend Agg -colors near blue figures/near_blue.png \
-colors near "#ff8200" figures/near_hex.png \
-colors near "(0.1,0.1,0.4)" figures/near_rgb.png 

_images/near_blue.png _images/near_hex.png _images/near_rgb.png


To obtain a quick summary of matplotlib and o2sclpy colormaps, use -help cmaps for a list or -help cmaps-plot [filename] for a plot, e.g.

o2graph -backend Agg -cmap plot figures/cmaps.png


To obtain a quick summary of matplotlib markers, use -help markers for a list or -help markers-plot [filename] for a plot, e.g.

o2graph -backend Agg -help markers-plot figures/markers.png