Class plot_base¶
- class o2sclpy.plot_base¶
This class currently has two goals: (i) some simplifications for making plots using matplotlib and (ii) provide an interface for easily plotting o2scl objects with matplotlib.
- addcbar(left, bottom, width, height, image='last', cmap='', **kwargs)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Add a color bar.
Command-line arguments:
<left> <bottom> <width> <height> [kwargs]
Add a new colorbar or a colorbar from the most recently created image at the location specified by
. This command has a keywordimage
which specifies the image which the colorbar should refer to. If the image keyword is ‘last’, then the last density plot (e.g. from commandden-plot
) or two-dimensional histogram plot (e.g. from commandhist2d-plot
) is used. If the image keyword is ‘new’, then a colormap must be specified using the ‘cmap’ keyword and the color map is used to create the colorbar.
- arrow(x1, y1, x2, y2, arrowprops, **kwargs)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Plot an arrow.
Command-line arguments:
x1 y1 x2 y2 <arrow properties> [kwargs]
Plot an arrow from \((x_1,y_1)\) to \((x_2,y_2)\). The
command uses axes.annotate() to generate an arrow with an empty string as the first argument to annotate(). The o2graph argument <arrow properties> is the python dictionary for the ‘arrowprops’ argument to annotate(). The arrowstyle and connectionstyle attributes should be listed along with other arrowprops attributes. Examples for arrowprops are:* arrowstyle=->,connectionstyle=arc3 \ * arrowstyle=-|>,connectionstyle=arc,fc=red,ec=blue \ * arrowstyle=-|>,connectionstyle=arc,head_length=4.0, head_width=1.0 \ * arrowstyle=->,connectionstyle=arc3,head_length=4.0, head_width=1.0,rad=-0.1 \ * arrowstyle=fancy,connectionstyle=arc3,head_length=4.0, head_width=1.0,rad=-0.1 \
Summary for arrowstyle argument (angleB is renamed to as_angleB):
Name Attributes \ - None \ -> head_length=0.4,head_width=0.2 \ -[ widthB=1.0,lengthB=0.2,as_angleB=None \ |- widthA=1.0,widthB=1.0 \ -| head_length=0.4,head_width=0.2 \ <- head_length=0.4,head_width=0.2 \ <| head_length=0.4,head_width=0.2 \ fancy head_length=0.4,head_width=0.4,tail_width=0.4 \ simple head_length=0.5,head_width=0.5,tail_width=0.2 \ wedge tail_width=0.3,shrink_factor=0.5 \
(note that fancy, simple or wedge require arc3 or angle3 connection styles)
Summary for connectionstyle argument (angleB is renamed to cs_angleB):
Name Attributes \ * angle angleA=90,cs_angleB=0,rad=0.0 \ * angle3 angleA=90,cs_angleB=0 \ * arc angleA=0,cs_angleB=0,armA=None,armB=None,rad=0.0 \ * arc3 rad=0.0 \ * bar armA=0.0,armB=0.0,fraction=0.3,angle=None \
See for more.
- ax_left_panel = 0¶
Left panel axis for the editor
- ax_right_panel = 0¶
Right panel axis for the editor
- axes = 0¶
Current axis object
- axes_dict = {}¶
Dictionary of axis objects (used by subplots() and selax() to manage multiple axis objects)
- bottom_margin = 0.12¶
Bottom plot margin (default 0.12)
- canvas()¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Create a plotting canvas.
Command-line arguments: (No arguments.)
Create an empty plotting canvas. For example ‘o2graph -canvas -show’. Typically, ‘o2graph’ creates the canvas automatically when the first object is plotted so explicitly using this command is unnecessary.
This function creates a default figure using default_plot() and axis object using the xtitle and ytitle for the axis titles and xlo, xhi, ylo, and yhi for the axis limits.
- canvas_flag = False¶
If True, then the figure and axes objects have been created (default False)
- cmap(cmap_name, col_list=[])¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Create a continuous colormap or list colormaps.
Command-line arguments:
<cmap name> <color 1> <color 2> [color3]...
or<cmap name> "sharp" <color 1> <color 2> [color3 color4]...
orplot [filename]
In the first form, this command creates a new color map named <cmap name> which consists of equal-sized gradients between the specified list of at least two colors. In the second form, when the keyword sharp is given, the color map consists of gradients between each pair of colors with a sharp transition between successive pairs.
Matplotlib colors, (r,g,b) colors, [r,g,b,a] colors, and xkcd colors are all allowed. For example:
o2graph -cmap c forestgreen "[0.5,0.5,0.7,0.5]" \ "xkcd:light red" -create table3d x grid:0,40,1 y grid:0,40,1 \ z "x+y" -den-plot z cmap=c -show
o2graph -cmap c sharp "(0.5,0.5,0.7)" "xkcd:light red" \ green "(0,0,0)" -create table3d x grid:0,40,1 y grid:0,40,1 \ z "x+y" -den-plot z cmap=c -show
In the third form, the cmap command lists all of the available colormaps. Finally, in the fourth form, the cmap command plots all available colormaps, optionally storing this plot in a file, e.g.:
o2graph -cmap plot cmap_plot.png
To get more information on the available colors, see:
o2graph -colors list
- colbar = False¶
If True, then include a color bar for density plots (default False)
- colors(args=[])¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Show color information.
Command-line arguments:
orplot [filename]
ornear <color> [filename]
command outputs or plots information about matplotlib colors.If the “list” argument is given, then the 8 base colors and their RGB definitions are output and then 148 CSS4 colors (which include the 8 base colors) are output along with their associated hexadecimal values.
If the “plot” argument is given, then the 148 CSS4 colors are plotted in a matplotlib figure. If an additional filename argument is specified, the figure is written to the specified file.
If the “near” argument is given, then the 80 colors closest to <color> are plotted in a matplotlib figure. If an additional filename argument is specified, then the figure is written to the specified file. To determine which colors are “nearest”, the sum of the absolute values of the differences in the RGB values are used.
Finally, if the “xkcd” argument is given, then all 949 xkcd colors are listed along with their HTML hexadecimal RBG values.
Color arguments in o2graph supports the (r,g,b) format, the [r,g,b,a] format, the HTML format, the grayscale single-value format, and the XKCD colors. For (r,g,b) colors, parentheses must be used, and the r, g, and b numbers should be from 0.0 to 1.0. For [r,g,b,a] colors, square brackets must be used and the r, g, b, and a numbers should be from 0.0 to 1.0. The HTML format is #RRGGBB where RR, GG, and BB are two-digit hexadecimal values.
- den_plot(args, **kwargs)¶
Create a density plot from a matrix, a slice of a table3d object, or a hist_2d object.
The argument list
can be of the form[numpy matrix]
or[table3d,slice name]
.The documentation for the o2graph
command is in the docstring foro2sclpy.o2graph_plotter.den_plot_o2graph()
.If a cmyt colormap is used, then the
Python package is required.
- den_plot_rgb(table3d, slice_r, slice_g, slice_b, make_png='', renorm=False, **kwargs)¶
Density plot from a
object using three slices to specify the red, green, and blue values.If make_png is non-empty, then a .png is created, with no axes, and stored in a file given the specified name. In the case a .png file is to be created and renorm is True, then the data is renormalized to ensure the minimum is 0 and the maximum is 255. Otherwise, the data is set to 0 if it is less than 0 and set to 255 when it is greater than 255.
The documentation for the o2graph
command is in the docstring foro2sclpy.o2graph_plotter.den_plot_rgb_o2graph()
.If the make_png keyword argument is specified, then
Python package is required.
- editor = False¶
If true, open the GUI editor (experimental)
- ellipse(x, y, w, h, angle=0, **kwargs)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Plot an ellipse.
Command-line arguments:
<x> <y> <w> <h> [angle] [kwargs]
Plot an ellipse centered at (x,y) with width w and height h, optionally rotated by the specified angle. By default, the ellipse has no border, but the linewidth (‘lw’) and edgecolor kwargs can be used to specify one if desired. Some useful kwargs are alpha, color, edgecolor (ec), facecolor (fc), fill, hatch, linestyle (ls), linewidth (lw). For example:
o2graph -ellipse 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.2 45 \ fc='#ccccff',ec=black,lw=2,hatch='|||',ls=':' -show
- error_point(xval, yval, err1=None, err2=None, err3=None, err4=None, **kwargs)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Plot a single point with errorbars.
Command-line arguments:
<x> <y> [<x err> <yerr>] or [<x lo> <x hi> <y lo> <y hi>]
Some useful kwargs for the
command are:keyword description default value \ ecolor error bar color None \ capsize cap size in points None \ barsabove plot error bars on top of point False \ lolims y value is lower limit False \ uplims y value is upper limit False \ xlolims x value is lower limit False \ xuplims x value is upper limit False \ errorevery draw error bars on subset of data 1 \ capthick thickness of error bar cap None
See also
for for plotting columns from a table object and the documentation at
- fig = 0¶
Figure object
- fig_dict = ''¶
A dictionary which refers to the figure and axis defaults
- font = 16¶
Font size text objects and axis titles (default 16)
- get(name)¶
Output the value of parameter named
. The documentation for the o2graph commandget
is given in O₂scl.
- inset(left, bottom, width, height, **kwargs)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Add a new set of axes
Command-line arguments:
<left> <bottom> <width> <height> [kwargs]
This command creates a new set of axes, adds the new axes to the list of axes, and sets the new axes as the current. The values <left>, <bottom>, <width>, and <height> refer to a normalized coordinate system where the lower-left hand corner of the figure is (0,0) and the upper-right hand corner is (1,1). The axes object is named ‘inset0’ for the first inset, then ‘inset1’, and so on. For example:
o2graph -inset 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.4 -selax main \ -line 100 100 900 900 -selax inset0 \ -line 0.1 0.9 0.9 0.1 -show
- last_image = 0¶
The last image object created (used for addcbar())
- left_margin = 0.14¶
Left plot margin (default 0.14)
- line(x1, y1, x2, y2, **kwargs)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Plot a line from \((x_1,y_1)\) to \((x_2,y_2)\)
Command-line arguments:
<x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> [kwargs]
Plot a line from
. Some useful kwargs are color (c), dashes, linestyle (ls), linewidth (lw), marker, markeredgecolor (mec), markeredgewidth (mew), markerfacecolor (mfc), markerfacecoloralt (mfcalt), markersize (ms). For example:o2graph -line 0.05 0.05 0.95 0.95 \ lw=2,marker='+',ms=10,c=xkcd:'light purple' -show
- link2 = 0¶
Link to the O2scl library DLL
- logx = False¶
If True, then use a logarithmic x axis (default False)
- logy = False¶
If True, then use a logarithmic y axis (default False)
- logz = False¶
If True, then use a logarithmic z axis (default False)
- make_png(table3d, slice_r, slice_g, slice_b, fname, **kwargs)¶
Create png from a
object using three slices to specify the red, green, and blue values.The documentation for the o2graph
command is in the docstring foro2sclpy.o2graph_plotter.make_png_o2graph()
.This command requires the
Python package.
- modax(**kwargs)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Modify current axes properties.
Command-line arguments:
The axis properties which can be modified are:
Property Values Description \ alpha float>0 alpha value for region inside axes \ labelsize float>0 font size for labels \ x_loc b,t,tb placement of x-axis (bottom, top, or both) \ x_major_loc float>0 linear increment for x-axis major ticks \ x_minor_loc float>0 linear increment for x-axis minor ticks \ x_minor_tick_dir in,out,inout direction of x-axis minor ticks \ x_minor_tick_len float>0 length of x-axis minor ticks \ x_minor_tick_wid float>0 width of x-axis minor ticks \ x_tick_dir in,out,inout direction of x-axis major ticks \ x_tick_len float>0 length of x-axis major ticks \ x_tick_wid float>0 width of x-axis major ticks \ x_visible T/F set x-axis visible or invisible \ y_loc l,r,lr placement of y-axis (left, right, or both) \ y_major_loc float>0 linear increment for x-axis major ticks \ y_minor_loc float>0 linear increment for x-axis minor ticks \ y_minor_tick_dir in,out,inout direction of y-axis minor ticks \ y_minor_tick_len float>0 length of y-axis minor ticks \ y_minor_tick_wid float>0 width of y-axis minor ticks \ y_tick_dir in,out,inout direction of y-axis major ticks \ y_tick_len float>0 length of y-axis major ticks \ y_tick_wid float>0 width of y-axis major ticks \ y_visible T/F set y-axis visible or invisible \
- new_cmaps()¶
Add a few new colormaps. This function is called by plot_base::__init__().
This function adds the colormaps ‘jet2’ ‘pastel2’, ‘reds2’, ‘greens2’, and ‘blues2’.
- plot(args, **kwargs)¶
Plot a two-dimensional set of data
The argument list
can be of the form[table,column name 1, column name 2]
or[table_units,column name 1,column name 2]
or[shared_ptr_table_units, column name 1, column name 2]
or[vec_vec_double, column index 1]
or[vec_vec_double, column index1, column index 2]
. Otherwise,args[0]
are interpreted as arrays to be directly sent to the matplotlib.pyplot.plot() function.The documentation for the o2graph
command is in the docstring foro2sclpy.o2graph_plotter.plot_o2graph()
- point(xval, yval, **kwargs)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Plot a single point.
Command-line arguments:
<x> <y> <kwargs>
Plot a single point. Some useful kwargs are color, marker, markeredgecolor (mec), markeredgewidth (mew), and markersize (ms). Note that the ‘marker’ keyword argument to specify the marker type must be specified. For example:
o2graph -xlimits 0 1 -ylimits 0 1 -point 0.5 0.5 \ marker='o',ms=10,c='xkcd:sea green',mec=blue,mew=2 -show
o2graph -xlimits 0 1 -ylimits 0 1 -point 0.5 0.5 \ marker='$\int_0^{\infty}x^2~dx$',ms=300,c=green,mec=red -show
To list the marker types, use:
o2graph -help markers
o2graph -help markers-plot
- rect(x1, y1, x2, y2, angle=0, **kwargs)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Plot a rectangle.
Command-line arguments:
<x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> [angle] [kwargs]
Plot a rectange from (x1,y1) to (xy,y2) with rotation angle <angle>. By default, the rectangle has no border, but the linewidth (‘lw’) and edgecolor kwargs can be used to specify one if desired. Some useful kwargs are alpha, color, edgecolor (ec), facecolor (fc), fill, hatch (‘/’, ‘', ‘|’, ‘-’, ‘+’, ‘x’, ‘o’, ‘O’, ‘.’, ‘*’), linestyle (ls), linewidth (lw). In order to specify keyword arguments, an angle must be also specified.
For example:
o2graph -xlimits 0 0.8 -ylimits 0 0.6 \ -text 0.55 0.35 "blah" -rect 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 \ -rect 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.4 0 \ fc=green,alpha=0.5,ls=-.,ec='xkcd:burnt orange',lw=2,hatch='///' \ -show
- right_margin = 0.04¶
Right plot margin (default 0.04)
- rt_ticks = False¶
If true, include ticks on right side and top (default False)
- save(filename)¶
Save plot to file named
, using the extension to set the file type. If the verbose parameter is greater than zero, then this function prints the filename to the screen.
- scatter(args, **kwargs)¶
Args either [table,xcol,ycol,…] or [xarray,yarray,…]
- selax(name='')¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Select an axis from the current list of axes
Command-line arguments:
Select which axis to use for subsequent plotting commands. If [name] is not specified, then the names of all current axes objects are listed.
- set(name, value)¶
Set the value of parameter named
to valuevalue
. The documentation for the o2graph commandset
is given in O₂scl.
- show()¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Show the current plot.
(No arguments.)
Show the current plot on the screen and begin the graphical user interface. When the editor is not enabled this just runs
- subplots(nr, nc=1, **kwargs)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Create subplots.
Command-line arguments:
<nrows> <ncols> [kwargs]
Create a grid of <nrows> by <ncols> subplots. The kwargs currently supported are ‘sharex=True|False’, and ‘sharey=True|False’. Subplots are named ‘subplot0’, ‘subplot1’, … with the indexes moving to the right before proceeding to the next row.
This command allows
to track the figure and axis objects so the user can easily refer to them.
- text(tx, ty, textstr, **kwargs)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Plot text in the data coordinates.
Command-line arguments:
<x> <y> [text] [kwargs]
command plots text in the data coordinates defined by the current axes with the font size determined by the value of the parameterfont
. LaTeX is used for text rendering by default, but this setting can be changed using, e.g. ‘-set usetex 0’. Some useful kwargs are fontfamily (‘serif’, ‘sans-serif’, ‘cursive’, ‘fantasy’, ‘monospace’), fontstyle (‘normal’, ‘italic’, ‘oblique’), fontsize, color, backgroundcolor, rotation, horizontalalignment (ha), and verticalalignment (va). Note that you must disable LaTeX rendering to change fontfamily or fontstyle.If [text] is unspecified and the current object is either of type
, then this string is used as the third argument. If the current or typestring[]
, then the first string is used.If <x> or <y> are strings, then they are passed through the
function and converted to floating-point numbers. A figure and axes are created usingo2sclpy.plot_base.canvas()
, if necessary.
- textbox(tx, ty, strt, boxprops='', **kwargs)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Plot a box with text.
Command-line arguments:
<x1> <y1> <text> [bbox properties] [kwargs]
Plot text <text> and a box at location <x1> <y1>. For example:
textbox 0.5 0.5 "$ f(x) $" "alpha=0.8,facecolor=white"
This command uses the standard axis text function, but adds a bounding box with the specified properties. Typical bbox properties are boxstyle (Circle, DArrow, LArrow, RArrow, Round, Round4, Roundtooth, Sawtooth, Square), alpha, color, edgecolor (ec), facecolor (fc), fill, hatch ({‘/’, ‘’, ‘|’, ‘-’, ‘+’, ‘x’, ‘o’, ‘O’, ‘.’, ‘*’}), linestyle (ls), and linewidth (lw). The keyword arguments are for the text properties, and follow those of the text command.
To allow the user to easily put multiple lines of text on the command line, any occurrence of “<endl>” is replaced with a carriage return.
For more information, see:
- ticks_in = False¶
If true, move the ticks inside (default False)
- top_margin = 0.04¶
Top plot margin (default 0.04)
- ttext(tx, ty, textstr, **kwargs)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Plot text in window coordinates [(0,0) to (1,1)].
Command-line arguments:
<x> <y> <text> [kwargs]
command plots text in the window coordinates [typically (0,0) to (1,1)] with the font size determined by the value of the parameterfont
. LaTeX is used for text rendering by default, but this setting can be changed using, e.g. ‘-set usetex 0’. Some useful kwargs are fontfamily, fontstyle, fontsize, color, backgroundcolor, rotation, horizontalalignment (ha), and verticalalignment (va). Specifying fontsize overrides the font parameter. Note that you must disable LaTeX rendering to change fontfamily or fontstyle.If <x> or <y> are strings, then they are passed through the
function and converted to floating-point numbers. A figure and axes are created usingo2sclpy.plot_base.canvas()
, if necessary.
- usetex = True¶
If true, then use LaTeX for text objects (default True)
- verbose = 1¶
Verbosity parameter (default 1)
- xhi = 0¶
Upper limit for x axis (default 0)
- xlimits(xlo, xhi)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Set the x-axis limits
Command-line arguments:
<x low> <x high>
The xlimits command sets
to the specified limits and setsxset
to True. If a plotting canvas is currently open, then the x-limits on the current axis are modified. Future plots are also plot with the specified x-limits. If <low> and <high> are identical thenxset
is set to False and the x limits are automatically set by matplotlib.
- xlo = 0¶
Lower limit for x axis (default 0)
- xset = False¶
If True, then the x axis limits have been set (default False)
- xtitle(textstr, **kwargs)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Add a title for the x-axis
Command-line arguments:
<text string> [kwargs]
If the
keyword is not specified, then thefont
class parameter is used for the fontsize. Iftextstr
is empty or “none”, then this function does nothing.Valid keyword arguments are all those from the matplotlib Text instance, e.g. as documented at . Some particularly useful kwargs are fontfamily, fontsize, fontstretch, fontstyle, fontweight, horizontalalignment (‘ha’), rotation, usetex, verticalalignment (‘va’), visible, and zorder.
- yhi = 0¶
Upper limit for y axis (default 0)
- ylimits(ylo, yhi)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Set the y-axis limits
Command-line arguments:
<y low> <y high>
command setsylo
to the specified limits and setsyset
to True. If a plotting canvas is currently open, then the y-limits on the current axis are modified. Future plots are also plot with the specified y-limits. If <low> and <high> are identical thenyset
is set to False and the y limits are automatically set by matplotlib.
- ylo = 0¶
Lower limit for y axis (default 0)
- yset = False¶
If True, then the y axis limits have been set (default False)
- ytitle(textstr)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Add a title for the y-axis
Command-line arguments:
<text string> [kwargs]
If the
keyword is not specified, then thefont
class parameter is used for the fontsize. Iftextstr
is empty or “none”, then this function does nothing.Valid keyword arguments are all those from the matplotlib Text instance, e.g. as documented at . Some particularly useful kwargs are fontfamily, fontsize, fontstretch, fontstyle, fontweight, horizontalalignment (‘ha’), rotation, usetex, verticalalignment (‘va’), visible, and zorder.
- zhi = 0¶
Upper limit for z axis (default 0)
- zlimits(zlo, zhi)¶
Documentation for o2graph command
:Set the z-axis limits
Command-line arguments:
<z low> <z high>
command setszlo
to the specified limits and setszset
to True. If <low> and <high> are identical thenzset
is set to False.
- zlo = 0¶
Lower limit for z axis (default 0)
- zset = False¶
If True, then the z axis limits have been set (default False)