Class nucleus_bin ()

O2scl : Class List

class nucleus_bin


Atomic mass evaluations

o2scl::nucmass_ame ame16
o2scl::nucmass_ame ame20exp
o2scl::nucmass_ame ame20round
o2scl::nucmass_ame ame95rmd
o2scl::nucmass_ame ame03round
o2scl::nucmass_ame ame03
o2scl::nucmass_ame ame95exp
o2scl::nucmass_ame ame12

Nuclear mass tables from FRIB Mass Explorer

o2scl::nucmass_gen ddme2
o2scl::nucmass_gen ddmed
o2scl::nucmass_gen ddpc1
o2scl::nucmass_gen nl3s
o2scl::nucmass_gen sly4
o2scl::nucmass_gen skms
o2scl::nucmass_gen skp
o2scl::nucmass_gen sv_min
o2scl::nucmass_gen unedf0
o2scl::nucmass_gen unedf1

Other theoretical nuclear mass tables

o2scl::nucmass_mnmsk m95
o2scl::nucmass_mnmsk m16
o2scl::nucmass_ktuy kt
o2scl::nucmass_ktuy kt2
o2scl::nucmass_wlw wlw1
o2scl::nucmass_wlw wlw2
o2scl::nucmass_wlw wlw3
o2scl::nucmass_wlw wlw4
o2scl::nucmass_wlw wlw5
o2scl::nucmass_sdnp sdnp1
o2scl::nucmass_sdnp sdnp2
o2scl::nucmass_sdnp sdnp3
o2scl::nucmass_dz_table dz

HFB mass tables from the Brussels group

o2scl::nucmass_hfb hfb2
o2scl::nucmass_hfb hfb8
o2scl::nucmass_hfb hfb14
o2scl::nucmass_hfb hfb14_v0
o2scl::nucmass_hfb_sp hfb17
o2scl::nucmass_hfb_sp hfb21
o2scl::nucmass_hfb_sp hfb22
o2scl::nucmass_hfb_sp hfb23
o2scl::nucmass_hfb_sp hfb24
o2scl::nucmass_hfb_sp hfb25
o2scl::nucmass_hfb_sp hfb26
o2scl::nucmass_hfb_sp hfb27

Nuclear mass fits

o2scl::nucmass_semi_empirical se
o2scl::nucmass_frdm frdm
o2scl::nucmass_dz_fit dzf
o2scl::nucmass_dz_fit_33 dzf33
o2scl::nucmass_frdm_shell frdm_shell
o2scl::nucmass_ldrop_shell ldrop_shell

Other objects

o2scl::eos_had_skyrme sk
o2scl::fermion nrn
o2scl::fermion nrp
o2scl::nucmass_fit fitter
double m_neut

Mass of the neutron.

double m_prot

Mass of the proton.

double m_elec

Mass of the electron.

double m_amu

Atomic mass unit.

int verbose

Verbosity parameter (default 1)

Parameter objects

o2scl::table_units erler


std::vector<o2scl::nucleus> common_dist


std::vector<o2scl::nucleus> exp_dist


std::vector<o2scl::nucleus> moller_dist


o2scl::cli::parameter_int p_verbose

Verbosity parameter.

inline virtual ~nucleus_bin()
int get(std::vector<std::string> &sv, bool itive_com)

Get a nucleus by Z and N.

int isotope(std::vector<std::string> &sv, bool itive_com)


int tables(std::vector<std::string> &sv, bool itive_com)

Output all table names and number of nuclei.

int fits(std::vector<std::string> &sv, bool itive_com)

Improve the fits using an optimizer.

int compare(std::vector<std::string> &sv, bool itive_com)

Compare the quality of the fits and tables to experiment.

int refs(std::vector<std::string> &sv, bool itive_com)

Output table and fit references.

int cdist(std::vector<std::string> &sv, bool itive_com)


int info_matrix(std::vector<std::string> &sv, bool itive_com)


int mass_fit(std::vector<std::string> &sv, bool itive_com)


int drip_lines_esym(std::vector<std::string> &sv, bool itive_com)

Compute the neutron and proton drip lines.

virtual void setup_cli(o2scl::cli &cl)

Setup the command-line interface.

Other nuclear mass objects

o2scl::nucmass_info nmi

Information object to look up element name given Z.

size_t n_tables

Number of tables (theory and experiment; set in constructor)

size_t n_fits

Number of fits (set in constructor)

std::vector<o2scl::nucmass_table*> nmd

List of pointers to tables.

std::vector<o2scl::nucmass_fit_base*> nmfd

List of pointers to fits.

std::vector<std::string> table_names

List of table names.

std::vector<std::string> fit_names

List of fit names.