Class nucmass_frdm (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

class nucmass_frdm : public o2scl::nucmass_densmat

FRDM semi-empirical mass formula (macroscopic part only with no deformation)

The spherically-symmetric, macroscopic part of the finite-range droplet model from [Moller95].

Using the relations

\[ \bar{\delta} = (n_n - n_p)/n \]
\[ \bar{\epsilon} = - (n-n_0)/3/n_0 \]
we get
\[ n_n = \frac{1}{2} (1+\bar{\delta}) (1-3 \bar{\epsilon}) n_0 \]
\[ n_p = \frac{1}{2} (1-\bar{\delta}) (1-3 \bar{\epsilon}) n_0 \]
Assuming that
\[ \frac{4 \pi}{3} R_n^3 n_n = N \]
\[ \frac{4 \pi}{3} R_p^3 n_p = Z \]
we get
\[ R_n^3 = 3 N / \alpha_n \]
\[ R_p^3 = 3 Z / \alpha_p \]
where \( \alpha \)‘s are
\[ \alpha_n = 2 \pi (1+ \bar{\delta})(1 - 3 \bar{\epsilon}) n_0 \]
\[ \alpha_p = 2 \pi (1- \bar{\delta})(1 - 3 \bar{\epsilon}) n_0 \]
Note that the above relations are somehow self-consistent because they imply
\[ R^3 n = R_n^3 n_n + R_p^3 n_p \]

Since we’re using (is there a better way?)

\[ R = r_0 A^{1/3} \]
with \( r_0 = 1.16 \) fm, then \( n_0 = 0.152946 \mathrm{fm}^{-3} \).


In class nucmass_frdm:

  • Fix pairing energy and double vs. int

  • Decide on number of fit parameters (10 or 12?) or let the user decide

  • Document the protected variables

  • Set the neutron and proton masses and hbarc to Moller et al.’s values

Idea for Future:

Add microscopic part.

Subclassed by o2scl::nucmass_frdm_shell

Public Functions

virtual double mass_excess_d(double Z, double N)

Given Z and N, return the mass excess in MeV.

inline virtual double mass_excess(int Z, int N)

Given Z and N, return the mass excess in MeV.

virtual int fit_fun(size_t nv, const ubvector &x)

Fix parameters from an array for fitting.

virtual int guess_fun(size_t nv, ubvector &x)

Fill array with guess from present values for fitting.

virtual double binding_energy_densmat(double Z, double N, double npout = 0.0, double nnout = 0.0, double neout = 0.0, double T = 0.0)

Given Z and N, the external densities, and the temperature, return the binding energy of the nucleus in MeV.

virtual double mass_excess_densmat(double Z, double N, double np_out = 0.0, double nn_out = 0.0, double ne_out = 0.0, double T = 0.0)

Given Z and N, the external densities, and the temperature, return the mass excess of the nucleus in MeV.

This is an experimental version of mass_excess_d which removes pairing, computes nn, np, Rn, and Rp, and attempts to correct the surface.

inline virtual void binding_energy_densmat_derivs(double Z, double N, double npout, double nnout, double nneg, double T, double &E, double &dEdnp, double &dEdnn, double &dEdnneg, double &dEdT)

Given Z and N, the external densities, and the temperature, compute the binding energy and the derivatives.

Public Members

double a1

Volume-energy constant in MeV (default 16.247)

double J

Symmetry-energy constant in MeV (default 32.73)

double K

Nuclear compressibility constant in MeV (default 240)

double a2

Surface-energy constant in MeV (default 22.92)

double Q

Effective surface-stiffness constant in MeV (default 29.21)

double a3

Curvature-energy constant in MeV (default 0)

double ca

Charge-asymmetry constant in MeV (default 0.436)

double W

Wigner constant in MeV (default 30)

double ael

electronic-binding constant in MeV (default \( 1.433 \times 10^{-5} \) ).

double rp

Proton root-mean-square radius in fm (default 0.80)

double r0

Nuclear-radius constant in fm (default 1.16)

double MH

Hydrogen atom mass excess, 7.289034 MeV.

double Mn

Neutron mass excess, 8.071431 MeV.

double e2

Electronic charge squared, 1.4399764 MeV fm.

double a

Range of Yukawa-plus-exponential potential, 0.68 fm.

double aden

Range of Yukawa function used to generate nuclear charge distribution, 0.70 fm.

double rmac

Average pairing-gap constant, 4.80 MeV.

double h

Neutron-proton interaction constant, 6.6 MeV.

double L

Density-symmetry constant, 0 MeV.

double C

Pre-exponential compressibility-term constant, 60 MeV.

double gamma

Exponential compressibility-term range constant, 0.831.

double amu

Atomic mass unit, 931.5014 MeV.

double nn

Internal average neutron density.

double np

Internal average proton density.

double Rn

Neutron radius.

double Rp

Proton radius.

Protected Attributes

double kg_to_invfm

Conversion from kg to inverse fm.

double Deltap

Proton pairing coefficient.

double Deltan

Neutron pairing coefficient.

double deltanp

Isubvector pairing coefficient.

double deltabar

Average bulk nuclear asymmetry.

double epsbar

Average relative deviation of bulk density.

double Bs


double Bk


double Br


double Bw


double Bv


double c1

Coulomb energy coefficient.

double c2

Volume redistribution energy coefficient.

double c4

Coulomb exchange correction coefficient.

double c5

Surface redistribution energy coefficient.

double f0

Coefficient for the proton form-factor correction to the Coulomb energy.

double a0


double B1


double B2


double B3


double B4
