Class nucmass_densmat (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

class nucmass_densmat : public o2scl::nucmass_fit_base

A nuclear mass formula for dense matter [abstract].

Subclassed by o2scl::nucmass_frdm, o2scl::nucmass_ldrop

Public Functions

inline virtual const char *type()

Return the type, "nucmass_densmat".

virtual void test_derivatives(double eps, double &t1, double &t2, double &t3, double &t4)

Test the derivatives for binding_energy_densmat_derivs()

virtual void binding_energy_densmat_derivs(double Z, double N, double npout, double nnout, double nneg, double T, double &E, double &dEdnp, double &dEdnn, double &dEdnneg, double &dEdT) = 0

Compute the binding energy of a nucleus in dense matter and derivatives.

This function computes the binding energy of a nucleus in a sea of protons, neutrons, and negative charges (usually electrons) at a fixed temperature, relative to homogeneous nucleonic matter with the same number densities of protons, neutrons, and negative charges. The proton number Z and neutron number N should also be counted relative to homogeneous nucleonic matter, not relative to the vacuum.

As in o2scl::nucmass::binding_energy_d(), the binding energy returned in E has units of MeV. All densities are expected to be in \( \mathrm{fm}^{-3} \), and the temperature should be in MeV.

Idea for Future:

Extend to negative N and Z?

virtual double binding_energy_densmat(double Z, double N, double npout = 0.0, double nnout = 0.0, double nneg = 0.0, double T = 0.0)

Compute the binding energy of a nucleus in dense matter.

inline virtual double mass_excess_d(double Z, double N)

Given Z and N, return the mass excess in MeV.

inline virtual double mass_excess(int Z, int N)

Given Z and N, return the mass excess in MeV.