Class nucmass_densmat (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

class nucmass_densmat

A nuclear mass formula for dense matter.

This class is experimental.

The default set of nuclear masses is from the AME 2012 mass evaluation and is automatically loaded in the constructor.

Idea for Future:

If this isn’t going to be in a child of nucmass, then maybe we can simplify binding_energy_densmat_derivs() to just binding_energy().

Public Functions

inline virtual const char *type()

Return the type, "nucmass_densmat".

void set_mass(nucmass &nm)

Set base nuclear masses.

virtual void test_derivatives(double eps, double &t1, double &t2, double &t3, double &t4)

Test the derivatives for binding_energy_densmat_derivs()

virtual void binding_energy_densmat_derivs(double Z, double N, double npout, double nnout, double nneg, double T, double &E, double &dEdnp, double &dEdnn, double &dEdnneg, double &dEdT)

Compute the binding energy of a nucleus in dense matter and derivatives.

This function computes the binding energy of a nucleus in a sea of protons, neutrons, and negative charges (usually electrons) at a fixed temperature, relative to homogeneous nucleonic matter with the same number densities of protons, neutrons, and negative charges. The proton number Z and neutron number N should also be counted relative to homogeneous nucleonic matter, not relative to the vacuum.

As in o2scl::nucmass::binding_energy_d(), the binding energy returned in E has units of MeV. All densities are expected to be in \( \mathrm{fm}^{-3} \), and the temperature should be in MeV.

Idea for Future:

Extend to negative N and Z?

virtual void binding_energy_densmat(double Z, double N, double npout, double nnout, double nneg, double T, double &E)

Compute the binding energy of a nucleus in dense matter without the derivatives.

Protected Attributes

nucmass *massp

Pointer to the nuclear mass formula.