Function operator<<

O2scl : Function List

std::ostream &o2scl::operator<<(std::ostream &os, const permutation &p)

Output operator for permutations.

A space is output between the permutation elements but no space or endline character is output after the last element.

If the size is zero, this function outputs nothing and does not call the error handler.

auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, double d)

Output a double-precision number.

auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, long double d)

Output a double-precision number.


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “operator<<” with arguments (auto_format&, const cpp_dec_float_35&) in doxygen xml output for project “o2scl” from directory: /home/awsteiner/wcs/o2scl/doc/o2scl/xml. Potential matches:

- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, char ch)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<char> &vd)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<double> &vd)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<int> &vd)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<size_t> &vd)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<std::string> &vd)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, double d)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, float f)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, int i)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, long double d)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, size_t s)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, std::string s)
- std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const permutation &p)
- template<class data_t> auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<data_t> &vu)
- template<class data_t> auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<data_t> &vu)
- template<class data_t> auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector<data_t> &vu)
- template<class data_t> auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<std::vector<data_t>> &vv)
- template<class data_t> auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<std::vector<data_t>> &vv)


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “operator<<” with arguments (auto_format&, const cpp_dec_float_50&) in doxygen xml output for project “o2scl” from directory: /home/awsteiner/wcs/o2scl/doc/o2scl/xml. Potential matches:

- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, char ch)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<char> &vd)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<double> &vd)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<int> &vd)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<size_t> &vd)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<std::string> &vd)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, double d)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, float f)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, int i)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, long double d)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, size_t s)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, std::string s)
- std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const permutation &p)
- template<class data_t> auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<data_t> &vu)
- template<class data_t> auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<data_t> &vu)
- template<class data_t> auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector<data_t> &vu)
- template<class data_t> auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<std::vector<data_t>> &vv)
- template<class data_t> auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<std::vector<data_t>> &vv)


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “operator<<” with arguments (auto_format&, const cpp_dec_float_100&) in doxygen xml output for project “o2scl” from directory: /home/awsteiner/wcs/o2scl/doc/o2scl/xml. Potential matches:

- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, char ch)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<char> &vd)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<double> &vd)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<int> &vd)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<size_t> &vd)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<std::string> &vd)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, double d)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, float f)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, int i)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, long double d)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, size_t s)
- auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, std::string s)
- std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const permutation &p)
- template<class data_t> auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<data_t> &vu)
- template<class data_t> auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<data_t> &vu)
- template<class data_t> auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector<data_t> &vu)
- template<class data_t> auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<std::vector<data_t>> &vv)
- template<class data_t> auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<std::vector<data_t>> &vv)
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, float f)

Output a single-precision number.

auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, int i)

Output an integer.

auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, char ch)

Output a character.

auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, size_t s)

Output a size_t.

auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, std::string s)

Output a string.

auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<double> &vd)

Output a vector of doubles.

auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<int> &vd)

Output a vector of ints.

auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<size_t> &vd)

Output a vector of size_ts.

auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<char> &vd)

Output a vector of chars.