Class mmin_conf (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

template<class func_t = multi_funct, class vec_t = boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>, class dfunc_t = grad_funct, class auto_grad_t = gradient<multi_funct, boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>>, class def_auto_grad_t = gradient_gsl<multi_funct, boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>>>
class mmin_conf : public o2scl::mmin_gsl_base<multi_funct, boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>, grad_funct, gradient<multi_funct, boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>>, gradient_gsl<multi_funct, boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>>>

Multidimensional minimization by the Fletcher-Reeves conjugate algorithm (GSL)

This class performs multidimensional minimization by the Fletcher-Reeves conjugate algorithm (GSL). The functions mmin() and mmin_de() a given function until the is smaller than the value of mmin::tol_rel (which defaults to \( 10^{-4} \) ).

This class has a high-level interface using mmin() or mmin_de() which automatically performs the memory allocation and minimization, or a GSL-like interface using allocate(), free(), interate() and set() or set_simplex().

See an example for the usage of this class in Multidimensional minimizer example.

Default template arguments

Note that the state variable max_iter has not been included here, because it was not really used in the original GSL code for these minimizers.

Subclassed by o2scl::mmin_conp< func_t, vec_t, dfunc_t, auto_grad_t, def_auto_grad_t >

The original variables from the GSL state structure

int iter

Iteration number.

double step


double tol


vec_t x1


vec_t dx1


vec_t x2


double pnorm


vec_t p


double g0norm


vec_t g0


Store the arguments to set() so we can use them for iterate()

vec_t ugx

Proposed minimum.

vec_t ugg


vec_t udx

Proposed step.

double it_min


double lmin_tol

Tolerance for the line minimization (default \( 10^{-4} \))

double step_size

Size of the initial step (default 0.01)

inline mmin_conf()
inline virtual ~mmin_conf()

GSL-like lower level interface

inline virtual int iterate()

Perform an iteration.

inline virtual int allocate(size_t n)

Allocate the memory.

inline virtual int free()

Free the allocated memory.

inline int restart()

Reset the minimizer to use the current point as a new starting point.

inline virtual int set(vec_t &x, double u_step_size, double tol_u, func_t &ufunc)

Set the function and initial guess.

inline virtual int set_de(vec_t &x, double u_step_size, double tol_u, func_t &ufunc, dfunc_t &udfunc)

Set the function and initial guess.

Basic usage

inline virtual int mmin(size_t nn, vec_t &xx, double &fmin, func_t &ufunc)

Calculate the minimum min of func w.r.t the array x of size nvar.

inline virtual int mmin_de(size_t nn, vec_t &xx, double &fmin, func_t &ufunc, dfunc_t &udfunc)

Calculate the minimum min of func w.r.t the array x of size nvar.

inline virtual const char *type()

Return string denoting type(“mmin_conf”)

mmin_conf(const mmin_conf<func_t, vec_t, dfunc_t, auto_grad_t, def_auto_grad_t>&)
mmin_conf<func_t, vec_t, dfunc_t, auto_grad_t, def_auto_grad_t> &operator=(const mmin_conf<func_t, vec_t, dfunc_t, auto_grad_t, def_auto_grad_t>&)