Class interp_steffen (o2scl)¶
template<class vec_t, class vec2_t = vec_t, class fp_t = double>
class interp_steffen : public o2scl::interp_base<vec_t, vec_t, double>¶ Steffen’s monotonicity-preserving interpolation.
Adapted from the GSL version by J.-F. Caron which was based on [Steffen90].
Storage for cubic spline interpolation
inline fp_t copysign(const fp_t x, const fp_t y)¶
Flip the sign of x if x and y have different signs.
inline interp_steffen()¶
Create a base interpolation object.
inline virtual ~interp_steffen()¶
inline virtual void set(size_t size, const vec_t &xa, const vec2_t &ya)¶
Initialize interpolation routine.
inline virtual fp_t deriv(fp_t x0) const¶
Give the value of the derivative \( y^{\prime}(x=x_0) \) .
inline virtual fp_t deriv2(fp_t x0) const¶
Give the value of the second derivative \( y^{\prime \prime}(x=x_0) \) .
inline virtual fp_t integ(fp_t al, fp_t bl) const¶
Give the value of the integral \( \int_a^{b}y(x)~dx \) .
inline virtual const char *type() const¶
Return the type,
interp_steffen(const interp_steffen<vec_t, vec2_t, fp_t>&)¶
interp_steffen<vec_t, vec2_t, fp_t> &operator=(const interp_steffen<vec_t, vec2_t, fp_t>&)¶
inline fp_t copysign(const fp_t x, const fp_t y)¶