Class eos_sn_sht (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

class eos_sn_sht : public o2scl::eos_sn_base

A class to manipulate the G. Shen et al. EOS.

This class is experimental.

See also the documentation at ref eos_sn_base and the general description in the Finite-temperature Equation of State Tables section of the User’s guide.

The free energy per baryon neutron and proton chemical potentials are relative to a nucleon mass of 939 MeV. The values of o2scl::eos_sn_base::m_neut and o2scl::eos_sn_base::m_prot are set to 939 MeV accordingly. The electron chemical potential still includes its rest mass. All quantites are stored as in the original table, except that the values in o2scl::eos_sn_base::E or o2scl::eos_sn_base::Eint are computed directly from the thermodynamic identity.

See also [Shen11ne].


Does not contain the EOS, only provides some code to manipulate it. This class was designed to be used with the FSU models given at . The full list of files and the associated modes for the load() function are:


The NL3 model is probably ruled out by nuclear mass data, neutron matter calculations, and neutron star mass and radius observations.

Table modes

static const size_t mode_17 = 0

1.7 solar masses with leptons and photons

static const size_t mode_21 = 1

2.1 solar masses with leptons and photons

static const size_t mode_17b = 2

1.7 solar masses without leptons and photons

static const size_t mode_21b = 3

2.1 solar masses without leptons and photons

static const size_t mode_NL3 = 4

NL3 model with leptons and photons.

static const size_t mode_NL3b = 5

NL3 model with leptons and photons.

Additional data included in this EOS

tensor_grid3 &T

Temperature in MeV.

tensor_grid3 &Yp

Proton fraction.

tensor_grid3 &nB

Baryon number density in \( 1/\mathrm{fm}^3 \).

tensor_grid3 &mue

Electron chemical potential in MeV.

tensor_grid3 &M_star

Nucleon effective mass (Dirac) in MeV.

bool check_grid

If true, check the grid after load() (default true)

inline eos_sn_sht()
virtual void load(std::string fname, size_t mode)

Load table from filename fname with mode mode.