GLTF and Blender integration ============================ :ref:`O2sclpy ` O2graph has experimental support for writing 3D objects to GLTF files and using Blender to perform some simple renderings of those 3D objects. O2graph needs a working directory to store the relevant textures and files, so typically one begins by setting the working directory for the 3D-objects using ``-set td_wdir``. One can create simple materials using ``-td-mat``, a surface from a table3d slice using ``-td-den-plot``, a scatter plot from a table using ``-td-scatter``, an axis using ``-td-axis``, axis labels set on rectangular prisms using ``-td-axis-label``, an icosphere using ``-td-icos``, an arrow using ``-td-arrow``, and a parallelogram using ``-td-pgram``. Sets of 3D objects can be written to a GLTF file using ``-gltf``. GLTF files, in turn, can be viewed in Blender using ``-bl-import``. The command ``-bl-yaw-mp4`` creates a MP4 file from a Blender rendering of a set of 3D objects by rotating the camera around the vertical axis. The command ``-bl-yaw-six`` is similar, but moves the camera differently: it rotates in such a way as to show the faces of all six sides of the cube aligned with the coordinate axes. Internally, the scales of the 3D objects are set with the variables ``xlo``, ``xhi``, ``ylo``, ``yhi``, ``zlo``, and ``zhi``. These can be set manually or if not, they are set automatically by the first yt-related command. All commands work on the user coordinate system by default, and then transform their arguments to :math:`[0,1]` when necessary. 3D Scatter plot example ----------------------- .. include:: ../examples/gltf_scatter_col.scr :literal: .. image:: static/gltf/scatter_col.png :width: 70% 3D Density plot example ----------------------- .. include:: ../examples/gltf_den_plot_col.scr :literal: .. image:: static/gltf/den_plot_col.png :width: 70% The GLTF can be viewed in any GLTF reader, for example at . Density plot movie ------------------ .. include:: ../examples/bl_den_plot_yaw.scr :literal: .. raw:: html