Function solve_cyc_tridiag_nonsym (o2scl_linalg)¶
template<class vec_t, class vec2_t, class vec3_t, class vec4_t, class vec5_t, class mem_t, class mem_vec_t, class fp_t>
void o2scl_linalg::solve_cyc_tridiag_nonsym(const vec_t &diag, const vec2_t &abovediag, const vec3_t &belowdiag, const vec4_t &rhs, vec5_t &x, size_t N, mem_t &m)¶ Solve an asymmetric cyclic tridiagonal linear system with user-specified memory.
This function solves the system
where is a matrix of the form* * diag[0] abovediag[0] 0 ..... belowdiag[N-1] * belowdiag[0] diag[1] abovediag[1] ..... * 0 belowdiag[1] diag[2] * 0 0 belowdiag[2] ..... * ... ... * abovediag[N-1] ...
This function solves the following system without the corner elements and then use Sherman-Morrison formula to compensate for them.
- Idea for Future:
Offer an option to avoid throwing on divide by zero?