Function operator<< (o2scl_auto_format)¶
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, double d)¶
Output a double-precision number.
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, long double d)¶
Output a double-precision number.
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, float f)¶
Output a single-precision number.
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, int i)¶
Output an integer.
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, char ch)¶
Output a character.
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, size_t s)¶
Output a
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, std::string s)¶
Output a string.
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<double> &vd)¶
Output a vector of doubles.
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<int> &vd)¶
Output a vector of ints.
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<size_t> &vd)¶
Output a vector of size_ts.
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<char> &vd)¶
Output a vector of chars.
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<std::string> &vd)¶
Output a vector of std::strings.
template<class data_t>
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector<data_t> &vu)¶ Output a ublas vector.
template<class data_t>
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<data_t> &vu)¶ Output a ublas matrix.
If o2scl_auto_format::auto_format::align_matrices is true, then the output is organized into a table.
template<class data_t>
auto_format &o2scl_auto_format::operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<std::vector<data_t>> &vv)¶ Output a vector of vectors.
If o2scl_auto_format::auto_format::align_matrices is true and all of the vectors in the list have the same length, then the output is organized into a table.