Class root_brent_gsl (o2scl)¶
template<class func_t = funct, class fp_t = double>
class root_brent_gsl : public o2scl::root_bkt<funct, funct, double>¶ One-dimensional root-finding (GSL)
This class finds the root of a user-specified function. If test_form is 0 (the default), then solve_bkt() stops when the size of the bracket is smaller than root::tol_abs. If test_form is 1, then the function stops when the residual is less than root::tol_rel. If test_form is 2, then both tests are applied.
See the One-dimensional solvers section of the User’s guide for general information about O2scl solvers. An example demonstrating the usage of this class is given in
and the First function object example.Todo
class root_brent_gsl
There is some duplication in the variables c x_lower,
c x_upper, c a, and c b, which could be removed. Some better variable names would also be helpful. - Create a meaningful enum list for ref o2scl::root_brent_gsl::test_form. - There is code duplication between the test_interval here and in root_toms748.
Public Functions
inline root_brent_gsl()¶
inline virtual const char *type()¶
Return the type,
inline int iterate(func_t &f)¶
Perform an iteration.
This function currently always returns success.
inline virtual int solve_bkt(fp_t &x1, fp_t x2, func_t &f)¶
in region \( x_1<x<x_2 \) returning \( x_1 \).
Public Members
double pow_tol_func¶
Power for tolerance of function evaluations with adaptive multiprecision (default 1.33)
bool store_funcs¶
If true, store function evaluations.
int test_form¶
The type of convergence test applied: 0, 1, or 2 (default 0)