Class prob_cond_mdim (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

template<class vec_t = boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>>
class prob_cond_mdim

A multi-dimensional conditional probability density function.

Note that conditional probabilities are typically written \( P(A|B) \), i.e. the probability of \( A \) given \( B \). arranges the function parameters for the functions o2scl::prob_cond_mdim::pdf, o2scl::prob_cond_mdim::log_pdf o2scl::prob_cond_mdim::operator()(), so that \( B \) is given first, and \( A \) is second.

o2scl::prob_cond_mdim::log_metrop_hast is a vector from \( B \) as denoted above.

This class is experimental.

Subclassed by o2scl::prob_cond_mdim_fixed_step< vec_t >, o2scl::prob_cond_mdim_gaussian< vec_t, mat_t >, o2scl::prob_cond_mdim_indep< vec_t >

Public Functions

inline virtual ~prob_cond_mdim()
inline virtual size_t dim() const

The dimensionality.

virtual double pdf(const vec_t &x_B, const vec_t &x_A) const = 0

The conditional probability of x_A given x_B, i.e. \( P(A|B) \).

virtual double log_pdf(const vec_t &x_B, const vec_t &x_A) const = 0

The log of the conditional probability of x_A given x_B i.e. \( \log [P(A|B)] \).

virtual void operator()(const vec_t &x_B, vec_t &x_A) const = 0

Sample the distribution.

inline virtual double log_metrop_hast(const vec_t &x, vec_t &x_prime) const

Sample the distribution and return the log of the Metropolis-Hastings ratio.

The Metropolis-Hastings ratio for a step beginning at \( x \) and ending at \( x^{\prime} \) is obeys

\[ \frac{P(x^{\prime})g(x|x^{\prime})}{P(x)g(x^{\prime}|x)} \]
taking the log, this gives
\[ \log[P(x^{\prime})] - \log[P(x)] + \log \left[ \frac{g(x|x^{\prime})}{g(x^{\prime}|x)} \right] \]
thus this function computes
\[ \log \left[ g(x|x^{\prime}) \right] - \log \left[ g(x^{\prime}|x) \right] \]
and thus, to keep a similar notation to prob_cond_mdim::pdf() where \( g(x^{\prime}|x) \) is obtained from
this function computes
h(x,x_prime) = log_pdf(x_prime,x)-log_pdf(x,x_prime);

To check this, in the limit that \( g(x|x^{\prime}) \rightarrow P(x) \) this function returns

\[ \log \left[ \frac{P(x)}{P(x^{\prime})} \right] \]