Class eos_quark_njl_vec (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

class eos_quark_njl_vec : public o2scl::eos_quark_njl

The Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with vector interactions.

This class is based on [Alaverdyan21], but see also older work e.g. [Klimt90]. We use the ref part_tl::nu field to store what is referred to in [Alaverdyan21] as \({\tilde{\mu}}\).

The zero temperature EOS

virtual int calc_p(quark &u, quark &d, quark &s, thermo &lth)

Compute the equation of state as a function of the chemical potentials.

This function automatically solves the gap equations.

virtual int calc_eq_p_vec(quark &tu, quark &td, quark &ts, double &gap1, double &gap2, double &gap3, double &vec1, double &vec2, double &vec3, thermo &th)

Compute the gap equations and the equation of state as a function of the chemical potentials.

virtual double f_therm_pot_vec(double qqu, double qqd, double qqs, double msu, double msd, double mss, double nuu, double nud, double nus, bool vac_terms = true)

Compute the thermodynamic potential at zero temperature.

The finite temperature EOS

virtual int calc_temp_p(quark &u, quark &d, quark &s, double T, thermo &th)

Equation of state as a function of chemical potentials at finite temperature.

This function automatically solves the gap equations.

virtual int calc_eq_temp_p(quark &tu, quark &td, quark &ts, double &gap1, double &gap2, double &gap3, double &vec1, double &vec2, double &vec3, thermo &th, double temper)

Compute the gap equations and the equation of state at finite temperature as a function of the chemical potentials.

virtual double f_therm_pot_T_vec(double qqu, double qqd, double qqs, double msu, double msd, double mss, double nuu, double nud, double nus, double T, bool vac_terms = true)

Compute the thermodynamic potential at \( T>0 \).

The gap equations

virtual int gap_func_ms_vec(size_t nv, const ubvector &x, ubvector &y, thermo &th)

The gap equations starting from the effective masses.

virtual int gap_func_qq_vec(size_t nv, const ubvector &x, ubvector &y, thermo &th)

The gap equations starting from the effective masses.

int gap_func_qq_T(size_t nv, const ubvector &x, ubvector &y, double T, thermo &th)

Calculates gap equations in y as a function of the quark condensates in x.

The function utilizes the quark_tl objects which can be specified in set_quarks() and the thermo object which can be specified in eos::set_thermo().

int gap_func_ms_T(size_t nv, const ubvector &x, ubvector &y, double T, thermo &th)

Calculates gap equations in y as a function of the constituent masses in x.

The function utilizes the quark_tl objects which can be specified in set_quarks() and the thermo object which can be specified in eos::set_thermo().

Public Members

double GV

The vector coupling constant.