Class contour_line (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

class contour_line

A contour line.

The contour lines generated by the o2scl::contour class are given as objects of this type.


Future: Make this a subclass of ref o2scl::contour ? (12/12/16 Maybe not, as it is a generic concept which can be computed outside the ref o2scl::contour class.)

Public Functions

inline contour_line()

Create an empty line.

inline contour_line(const contour_line &c)

Copy constructor.

inline contour_line &operator=(const contour_line &c)

Copy constructor with operator=()

Public Members

double level

The contour level.

std::vector<double> x

The line x coordinates.

std::vector<double> y

The line y coordinates.