

Thank you to:

  • Atri Bhattacharya who contributed to the github actions and OpenSUSE support,

  • Evan O’Connor for his support of the work on the eos_sn_oo class,

  • Nikolaos Stergioulas for his support of the work in the nstar_rot class,

  • Jerry Gagelman who contributed to the GSL-based integration routines,

  • Edwin van Leeuwen who contributed to the differential evolution classes,

  • Julien Garaud for contributing to the ODE multishooting class and the ex_hydrogen example,

  • Marco Cammarata who contributed to the smooth_gsl class,

  • and David Zaslavsky for his interpolation routines which formed the basis for interp2_direct.

I would also like to thank the creators of GSL and Doxygen for their excellent work.