Function trsm (o2scl_cblas)

O2scl : Function List

template<class mat_t, class fp_t>
void o2scl_cblas::trsm(const enum o2cblas_order Order, const enum o2cblas_side Side, const enum o2cblas_uplo Uplo, const enum o2cblas_transpose TransA, const enum o2cblas_diag Diag, const size_t M, const size_t N, const double alpha, const mat_t &A, mat_t &B)

Compute B=αop[inv(A)]B where $A$ is triangular.

This function works for all values of Order, Side, Uplo, TransA, and Diag . The variable Side is Left when A is on the left

This function operates on the first M rows and N columns of the matrix B. If Side is Left, then this function operates on the first M rows and M columns of A. If Side is Right, then this function operates on the first N rows and N columns of A.