Function SV_decomp (o2scl_linalg)¶
template<class mat_t, class mat2_t, class vec_t, class vec2_t>
void o2scl_linalg::SV_decomp(size_t M, size_t N, mat_t &A, mat2_t &V, vec_t &S, vec2_t &work)¶ Factorise a general matrix into its SV decomposition using the Golub-Reinsch algorithm.
This factors matrix
of size(M,N)
is a column-orthogonal matrix of size(M,N)
(stored inA
is a diagonal matrix of size(N,N)
(stored in the vectorS
of sizeN
), andV
is a orthogonal matrix of size(N,N)
. The vectorwork
is a workspace vector of sizeN
. The matricesU
are constructed so thatThis algorithm requres
.- Todo:
Test N=1 case, N=2 case, and non-square matrices.