Class prob_dens_mdim_bound_gaussian (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

template<class vec_t = boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>, class mat_t = boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double>>
class prob_dens_mdim_bound_gaussian : public o2scl::prob_dens_mdim_gaussian<boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>, boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double>>

Gaussian distribution bounded by a hypercube.


This class naively resamples the Gaussian until a sample is within bounds. This is a temporary hack and can be very slow depending on the size of the volume excluded.


The PDF is not yet properly normalized.

Public Functions

inline prob_dens_mdim_bound_gaussian()

Create an empty distribution.

inline prob_dens_mdim_bound_gaussian(size_t p_ndim, vec_t &p_peak, mat_t &covar, vec_t &p_low, vec_t &p_high)

Create a distribution with the specified peak, covariance matrix, lower limits, and upper limits.

inline void set(size_t p_ndim, vec_t &p_peak, mat_t &covar, vec_t &p_low, vec_t &p_high)

Set the peak, covariance matrix, lower limits, and upper limits.


This function is called in constructors and thus should not be virtual.

inline virtual double pdf(const vec_t &x) const

Compute the probability density function (arbitrary normalization)

inline virtual double log_pdf(const vec_t &x) const

Compute the natural log of the probability density function (arbitrary normalization)

inline virtual void operator()(vec_t &x) const

Sample the distribution.

Public Members

size_t samp_max

Maximum number of samples (default \( 10^5 \))

Protected Attributes

vec_t low

Lower limits.

vec_t high

Upper limits.