Class nucmass_hfb (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

class nucmass_hfb : public o2scl::nucmass_table

HFB Mass formula.


In class nucmass_hfb:

  • Mg40 is present in some tables but not others. Compare hfb14-plain with hfb14-plain_v0. This may be related to the fact that the mass excess of Mg40 differs significantly between the 2003 and 2013 Audi et al. tables?

  • Update to include hfb17.

Public Functions


Create a new mass formula object.

virtual ~nucmass_hfb()
virtual bool is_included(int Z, int N)

Return false if the mass formula does not include specified nucleus.

virtual double mass_excess(int Z, int N)

Given Z and N, return the mass excess in MeV.

nucmass_hfb::entry get_ZN(int l_Z, int l_N)

Get the entry for the specified proton and neutron number.

This method searches the table using a cached binary search algorithm. It is assumed that the table is sorted first by proton number and then by neutron number.

inline double blank()

The value which corresponds to a blank entry.

inline virtual const char *type()

Return the type, "nucmass_hfb".

int set_data(int n_mass, nucmass_hfb::entry *m, std::string ref)

Set data.

This function is used by the HDF I/O routines.

Protected Attributes

nucmass_hfb::entry *mass

The array containing the mass data of length ame::n.

int last

The last table index for caching.

struct entry

Entry structure for HFB mass formula.

Public Members

int N

Neutron number.

int Z

Proton number.

int A

Atomic number.

double bet2

Beta 2 deformation.

double bet4

Beta 4 deformation.

double Rch

RMS charge radius.

double def_wig

Deformation and Wigner energies.

double Sn

Neutron separation energy.

double Sp

Proton separation energy.

double Qbet

Beta-decay energy.

double Mcal

Calculated mass excess.

double Err

Error between experimental and calculated mass excess.