Class nucmass_fit (o2scl)¶
class nucmass_fit¶
Fit a nuclear mass formula.
There is an example of the usage of this class given in the Nuclear mass fit example.
- Idea for Future:
Convert to a real fit with errors and covariance, etc.
Fitting method
int fit_method¶
Current fitting method.
bool even_even¶
If true, then only fit doubly-even nuclei (default false)
int minZ¶
Minimum proton number to fit (default 8)
int minN¶
Minimum neutron number to fit (default 8)
mmin_simp2 def_mmin¶
The default minimizer.
The value of def_mmin::ntrial is automatically multiplied by 10 in the constructor because the minimization frequently requires more trials than the default.
static const int rms_mass_excess = 0¶
RMS deviation in mass excess.
static const int rms_binding_energy = 1¶
RMS deviation in binding_energy.
static const int chi_squared_me = 2¶
Chi-squared for mass excess using specified uncertainties.
static const int chi_squared_be = 3¶
Chi-squared for binding energy using specified uncertainties.
static const int rms_me_Sn = 4¶
Fit the mass excess and the neutron separation energy.
static const int rms_me_Sn_S2n = 5¶
Fit the mass excess and the one and two neutron separation energies.
nucmass_fit_base *nmf¶
The nuclear mass formula to fit to.
virtual void fit(nucmass_fit_base &n, double &res)¶
Fit the nuclear mass formula.
void fit_covar(nucmass_fit_base &n, double &chi2, ubmatrix &covar)¶
Fit a nuclear mass formula using least squares and report the associated \( \chi^2 \) and covariance matrix.
This function only works for fit_method equal to chi_squared_me or chi_squared_be .
double fit_covar_fun(size_t np, const ubvector &p, double x, const std::vector<size_t> &Zlist, const std::vector<size_t> &Nlist)¶
The form of the fitting function which is set for a fitting object of type o2scl::fit_nonlin.
template<class vec_t>
inline void set_uncerts(size_t nv, vec_t &u)¶ Set the fit uncertainties (in MeV) from the first
elements ofu
void eval_isospin_beta(nucmass &n, ubvector_int &n_qual, ubvector &qual, int max_iso = 20)¶
Evaluate isospin dependence of fit quality.
In nucmass_fit::eval_isospin_beta(): More documentation and compute uncertainty.
void eval_isospin(nucmass &n, ubvector_int &n_qual, ubvector &qual, int min_iso = -8, int max_iso = 60)¶
Evaluate isospin dependence of fit quality.