Class mmin_wrapper_gsl (o2scl)¶
template<class func_t = multi_funct, class vec_t = boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>, class dfunc_t = grad_funct, class auto_grad_t = gradient<multi_funct, boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>>>
class mmin_wrapper_gsl : public o2scl::mmin_wrap_gsl¶ Wrapper class for the mmin_bfgs2 minimizer.
This is a reimplmentation of the internal GSL wrapper for function calls in the BFGS minimizer
cache keys
double f_cache_key¶
double df_cache_key¶
double x_cache_key¶
double g_cache_key¶
size_t dim¶
Number of minimization dimensions.
inline void moveto(double alpha)¶
Move to a new point, using the cached value if possible.
inline double slope()¶
Compute the slope.
inline virtual double wrap_f(double alpha)¶
Evaluate the function.
inline virtual double wrap_df(double alpha)¶
Evaluate the derivative.
inline virtual void wrap_fdf(double alpha, double *f, double *df)¶
Evaluate the function and the derivative.
inline void prepare_wrapper(func_t &ufunc, dfunc_t *udfunc, vec_t &t_x, double f, vec_t &t_g, vec_t &t_p, auto_grad_t *ag)¶
Initialize wrapper.
inline void change_direction()¶
Convert cache values to the new minimizer direction.
Convert the cache values from the end of the current minimisation to those needed for the start of the next minimisation, alpha=0
double f_cache_key¶