Class mcovar_funct_quad_correl (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

template<class vec_t, class vec2_t>
class mcovar_funct_quad_correl : public o2scl::mcovar_base<vec_t, vec2_t>

Multidimensional covariance function using radial basis functions with quadratic correlation length and a noise term.

The covariance function is

\[ K_{ij} = \prod_k \exp \left[ \frac{ - \left(x_{ik} - x_{jk}\right)^2} {2 d_k^2} \right] \]
\[ d_k^2 \equiv \left[\ell_k^2 + m_k^2 \left( x_{ik} + x_{jk} - n_k\right)^2\right] \, . \]
The values of \( \ell_k \) are stored in len, the values of \( m_k \) are stored in slope, and the values of \( n_k \) are stored in pos.

Public Functions

inline virtual size_t get_n_params()

Get the number of parameters.

inline void set_params(const vec_t &p)

Set the parameters.

template<class vec3_t, class vec4_t>
inline double covar_tl(const vec3_t &x1, const vec4_t &x2)

The covariance function template.

inline virtual double operator()(const vec_t &x1, const vec2_t &x2)

The covariance function.

inline virtual double covar(const vec_t &x1, const vec_t &x2)

The covariance function.

inline virtual double covar2(const vec2_t &x1, const vec2_t &x2)

The covariance function.

template<class vec3_t, class vec4_t>
inline double deriv_tl(const vec3_t &x1, const vec4_t &x2, size_t ix)

The template for the derivative of the covariance function.

This function computes

\[ \frac{\partial K_{ij}}{\partial x_{ik}} = \frac{K_{ij} z_k}{d_k^4} \, . \]
\[ z_k \equiv \left[m_k^2 \left( n_k - 2 x_{jk} \right) \left( x_{ik} + x_{jk} - n_k\right) - \ell_k^2\right] \left( x_{ik} - x_{jk} \right) \]

inline virtual double deriv(const vec_t &x1, const vec2_t &x2, size_t ix)

The derivative of the covariance function with respect to one element of the first argument.

See deriv_tl().

template<class vec3_t, class vec4_t>
inline double deriv2_tl(const vec3_t &x1, const vec4_t &x2, size_t ix, size_t iy)

Template for the second derivative of the covariance function with respect to the first argument.

This function computes

\[ \frac{\partial^2 K_{ij}}{\partial x_{ik} \partial x_{im}} \, . \]
If \( k \neq m \), then
\[ \frac{\partial^2 K_{ij}}{\partial x_{ik} \partial x_{im}} = \frac{K_{ij} z_k z_m}{d_k^4 d_m^4} \, . \]
\[ \frac{\partial^2 K_{ij}}{\partial x_{ik}^2} = \frac{K_{ij}}{d_k^4} \left[ \frac{z_k^2}{d_k^4} + \frac{\partial z_k}{\partial x_{ik}} - \frac{4 z_k m_k^2}{d_k^2} \left( x_{ik} + x_{jk} - n_k \right) \right] \]
\[ \frac{\partial z_k}{\partial x_{ik}} = m_k^2 \left( n_k - 2 x_{jk} \right) \left( x_{ik} - x_{jk} \right) - \left[ \ell_k^2 - m_k^2 \left( n_k - 2 x_{jk} \right) \left( x_{ik} + x_{jk} - n_k\right) \right] \]

inline virtual double deriv2(const vec_t &x1, const vec2_t &x2, size_t ix, size_t iy)

The second derivative of the covariance function with respect to the first argument.

See deriv2_tl().

Public Members

std::vector<double> len

Length parameters.

std::vector<double> slope

Slope parameters.

std::vector<double> pos

Position parameters.

double log10_noise

Noise parameter.