Class mcmc_para_cli (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

template<class func_t, class fill_t, class data_t, class vec_t = ubvector>
class mcmc_para_cli : public o2scl::mcmc_para_table<func_t, fill_t, data_t, ubvector>

MCMC class with a command-line interface.

This class forms the basis of the MCMC used in the Bayesian analysis of neutron star mass and radius in .

Subclassed by o2scl::mcmc_para_emu< func_t, fill_t, data_t, vec_t >

Parameter objects for the ‘set’ command

o2scl::cli::parameter_size_t p_n_warm_up
o2scl::cli::parameter_int p_user_seed
o2scl::cli::parameter_size_t p_max_bad_steps
o2scl::cli::parameter_size_t p_n_walk
o2scl::cli::parameter_bool p_aff_inv
o2scl::cli::parameter_bool p_table_sequence
o2scl::cli::parameter_bool p_store_rejects
o2scl::cli::parameter_bool p_check_rows
o2scl::cli::parameter_bool p_couple_threads
o2scl::cli::parameter_double p_max_time
o2scl::cli::parameter_size_t p_max_iters
o2scl::cli::parameter_size_t p_file_update_iters
o2scl::cli::parameter_double p_file_update_time
o2scl::cli::parameter_string p_prefix
o2scl::cli::parameter_int p_verbose
std::vector<std::string> cl_args

The arguments sent to the command-line.

inline virtual void file_header(o2scl_hdf::hdf_file &hf)

Initial write to HDF5 file.

Customization functions

inline virtual void setup_cli(cli &cl)

Set up the ‘cli’ object.

This function just adds the four commands and the ‘set’ parameters

Protected Types

typedef o2scl::mcmc_para_table<func_t, fill_t, data_t, vec_t> parent_t

The parent typedef.