Class mcmc_para_base (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

template<class func_t, class measure_t, class data_t, class vec_t = ubvector>
class mcmc_para_base

A generic MCMC simulation class.

This class performs a Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation of a user-specified function using OpenMP and/or MPI. The class works with a stepper object of type mcmc_stepper_base or an internal implementation of an affine-invariant sampling method. See also mcmc_stepper_rw (the default), mcmc_stepper_mh, and mcmc_stepper_hmc.

The affine-invariant sampling method follows algorithm [Goodman10].

The function type is a template type, func_t, which should be of the form

int f(size_t num_of_parameters, const vec_t &parameters,
double &log_pdf, data_t &dat)
which computes log_pdf, the natural logarithm of the function value, for any point in parameter space (any point between low and high ).

If the function being simulated returns mcmc_skip then the point is automatically rejected. After each acceptance or rejection, a user-specified “measurement” function (of type measure_t ) is called, which can be used to store the results. In either the measurement function or the probability distribution function returns the value mcmc_done, then the MCMC stops.

If aff_inv is set to true, then affine-invariant sampling is used. For affine-invariant sampling, the variable step_fac represents the value of \( a \), the limits of the distribution for \( z \) (which defaults to 2). If aff_inv is true and an initial point fails, then mcmc() chooses random points inside the hypercube to attempt to find enough initial points to proceed. This method of finding initial points, however, is often too slow for large parameter spaces.

Affine-invariant sampling works best when the number of walkers is much larger than the number of parameters. If n_walk is 0 or 1, then this class automatically sets n_walk to three times the number of parameters. This class will otherwise allow the user to set a smaller number of walkers than parameters without notifying the user.

In order to store data at each point, the user can store this data in any object of type data_t . If affine-invariant sampling is used, then each chain has it’s own data object. The class keeps twice as many copies of these data object as would otherwise be required, in order to avoid copying of data objects in the case that the steps are accepted or rejected.

Whether or not aff_inv is true, there is a virtual function called outside_parallel() which is called during the MCMC. Class descendants can replace this function with code which must be run outside of an OpenMP parallel region. Note that this is not implemented via, e.g. an OpenMP CRITICAL region so that no loss of performance is expected. If aff_inv is false, then outside_parallel() is called every steps_in_parallel MCMC steps (for each OpenMP thread). If aff_inv is true, then outside_parallel() is called after all the walkers have completed for each thread.

Verbose output: If verbose is 0, no output is generated (the default). If verbose is 1, then output to cout occurs only if the settings are somehow misconfigured and the class attempts to recover from them, for example if not enough functions are specified for the requested number of OpenMP threads, or if more than one thread was requested but O2SCL_SET_OPENMP was not defined, or if a negative value for step_fac was requested. When verbose is 1, a couple messages are written to scr_out : a summary of the number of walkers, chains, and threads at the beginning of the MCMC simulation, a message indicating why the MCMC simulation stopped, a message when the warm up iterations are completed, a message every time files are written to disk, and a message at the end counting the number of acceptances and rejections. If verbose is 2, then the file prefix is output to cout during initialization.


In class ref mcmc_para_base:

  • The main loop with the affine-invariant sampling could be modified with a new inner loop to do many function evaluations for each thread. However, I think this would demand combining the two sequential parallel loops.

  • There is a little code in mcmc_init() and mcmc_cleanup() and I should document why that code needs to be there.

Subclassed by o2scl::mcmc_para_table< func_t, fill_t, data_t, ubvector >, o2scl::mcmc_para_table< std::function< int(size_t, const ubvector &, double &, data_t &)>, fill_t, data_t, ubvector >, o2scl::mcmc_para_table< func_t, fill_t, data_t, vec_t >

MPI properties

int mpi_rank

The MPI processor rank.

int mpi_size

The MPI number of processors.

std::ofstream scr_out

The screen output file.

std::vector<rng<>> rg

Random number generators, one for each thread.

bool warm_up

If true, we are in the warm up phase (default false)

std::vector<vec_t> current

Current points in parameter space for each walker and each OpenMP thread.

This is an array of size n_threads times n_walk initial guesses, indexed by thread_index*n_walk+walker_index .

std::vector<bool> switch_arr

Data switch array for each walker and each OpenMP thread.

This is an array of size n_threads times n_walk initial guesses, indexed by thread_index*n_walk+walker_index .

std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> ret_value_counts

Return value counters, one vector for each independent chain.

Interface customization

std::vector<size_t> curr_walker

Index of the current walker, one for each OpenMP thread.

This quantity has to be a vector because different threads may have different values for the current walker during the initialization phase for the affine sampling algorithm.

std::shared_ptr<mcmc_stepper_base<func_t, data_t, vec_t>> stepper

The stepper.

std::shared_ptr<mcmc_stepper_rw<func_t, data_t, vec_t>> def_stepper

The default stepper.

bool meas_for_initial

If true, call the measurement function for the initial point.

static const int mcmc_done = -10

Integer to indicate completion.

static const int mcmc_skip = -20

Integer to indicate rejection.

inline virtual int mcmc_init()

Initializations before the MCMC.

inline virtual void mcmc_cleanup()

Cleanup after the MCMC.

Output quantities

std::vector<size_t> n_accept

The number of Metropolis steps which were accepted in each independent chain (summed over all walkers)

This vector has a size equal to n_threads .

std::vector<size_t> n_reject

The number of Metropolis steps which were rejected in each independent chain (summed over all walkers)

This vector has a size equal to n_threads .


double mpi_start_time

The MPI starting time (defaults to 0.0)

This can be set by the user before mcmc() is called, so that the time required for initializations before the MCMC starts can be counted.

size_t max_iters

If non-zero, the maximum number of MCMC iterations (default 0)

If both max_iters and max_time are nonzero, the MCMC will stop when either the number of iterations exceeds max_iters or the time exceeds max_time, whichever occurs first.

double max_time

Time in seconds (default is 0)

If both max_iters and max_time are nonzero, the MCMC will stop when either the number of iterations exceeds max_iters or the time exceeds max_time, whichever occurs first.

std::string prefix

Prefix for output filenames (default “mcmc”)

bool aff_inv

If true, use affine-invariant Monte Carlo (default false)

double step_fac

Stepsize factor for affine-invariant sampling (default 2.0)

bool couple_threads

If true, couple the walkers across threads during affine-invariant sampling (default false)

size_t n_warm_up

Number of warm up steps (successful steps not iterations) (default 0)


Not to be confused with warm_up, which is a protected boolean local variable in some functions which indicates whether we’re in warm up mode or not.

int user_seed

If non-zero, use this number as the seed for the random number generator (default 0)

The random number generator is modified so that each OpenMP thread and each MPI rank has a different set of random numbers.

If this value is zero, then the random number generators are seeded by the clock time in seconds, so that if two separate simulations begin at the same time (to within 1 second) they will produce identical results. This can be avoided simply by ensuring that user_seed is different between the two simulations.

int verbose

Output control (default 0)

size_t max_bad_steps

Maximum number of failed steps when generating initial points with affine-invariant sampling (default 1000)

size_t n_walk

Number of walkers (per openMP thread) for affine-invariant MC or 1 otherwise (default 1)

bool err_nonconv

If true, call the error handler when either the object function or the measure function does not return success (default true)

bool always_accept

If true, accept all steps.

double ai_initial_step

Initial step fraction for affine-invariance sampling walkers (default 0.1)

size_t n_threads

Number of OpenMP threads.

std::vector<ubvector> initial_points

Initial points in parameter space.

To fully specify all of the initial points, this should be a vector of size n_walk times n_threads . Initial points are used for multiple threads and/or walkers if the full number of initial points is not specified.

If this is empty, then the midpoint between low and high is used as the initial point for all threads and walkers. All initial points must be between low and high, or the error handler will be called.

size_t steps_in_parallel

The number of steps in parallel when affine invariant sampling is not used (default 100)

inline mcmc_para_base()
inline virtual void outside_parallel()

Function outside parallel region.

Basic usage

inline virtual int mcmc(size_t n_params, vec_t &low, vec_t &high, std::vector<func_t> &func, std::vector<measure_t> &meas, std::vector<data_t> &data)

Perform a MCMC simulation.

Perform a MCMC simulation over n_params parameters starting at initial point init, limiting the parameters to be between low and high, using func as the objective function and calling the measurement function meas at each MC point.

The vector data should be of size 2*n_walk*n_threads.

inline virtual int mcmc(size_t n_params, vec_t &low, vec_t &high, func_t &func, measure_t &meas, data_t data)

Perform a MCMC simulation with a thread-safe function or with only one OpenMP thread.

Protected Attributes

double elapsed

Number of seconds elapsed.