Class matrix_view_vec_vec_trans (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

template<class vec1_t, class vec2_t = std::vector<vec1_t>>
class matrix_view_vec_vec_trans : public o2scl::matrix_view

Public Functions

inline matrix_view_vec_vec_trans()
inline matrix_view_vec_vec_trans(vec2_t &vv)

Create a matrix view object from the specified vector of vectors.

inline size_t size1() const

Return the number of rows.

inline size_t size2() const

Return the number of columns.

inline const double &operator()(size_t row, size_t col) const

Return a reference to the element at row row and column col.

inline double &operator()(size_t row, size_t col)

Return a reference to the element at row row and column col.

Protected Attributes

vec2_t *vvp

Pointer to the object.


inline friend void swap(matrix_view_vec_vec_trans &t1, matrix_view_vec_vec_trans &t2)

Swap method.