Class ex_eos_had_apr ()¶
class ex_eos_had_apr¶
Compute the APR EOS with a Gibbs construction and the mass versus radius curve [Example class].
In succession, calculates nuclear matter, neutron matter, and then neutron star matter with Maxwell and Gibbs constructions.
We could use the more accurate masses in
here, but APR appears to have been designed to be used with neutron and protons masses equal to 939 MeV.Fermions
fermion_zerot fzt¶
Compute zero-temperature thermodynamics.
fermion n¶
Neutron for low-density phase.
fermion p¶
Proton for low-density phase.
fermion n2¶
Neutron for high-density phase.
fermion p2¶
Proton for high-density phase.
fermion e¶
Electron for low-density phase.
fermion mu¶
Muon for low-density phase.
fermion e2¶
Electron for high-density phase.
fermion mu2¶
Muon for high-density phase.
‘Thermo’ objects
thermo hb¶
Baryon thermodynamics for low-density phase.
thermo l¶
Leptonic thermodynamics for low-density phase.
thermo hb2¶
Baryon thermodynamics for high-density phase.
thermo tot¶
Total thermodynamics.
thermo l2¶
Leptonic thermodynamics for high-density phase.
Numerical methods
mroot_hybrids solver¶
General solver.
mroot_hybrids solver_trans_density¶
Solver for transition densities (lower tolerances)
deriv_cern cd¶
Derivative object.
double nb¶
Baryon density.
double chi¶
Volume fraction of low-density phase.
double mub¶
Baryon chemical potential.
double muq¶
Charge chemical potential.
double f7x¶
Proton fraction for Fig. 7.
int choice¶
Choice of model from APR.
Phase specification
int phase¶
eos_had_apr ap¶
table_units at¶
Table for output.
hdf_file hf¶
HDF file for output.
static const int low_phase = 1¶
static const int mixed_phase = 2¶
static const int high_phase = 3¶
inline int maxwell_fig7(size_t nv, const ubvector &x, ubvector &y)¶
Function for the Maxwell construction in Fig. 7.
inline int mixedmaxwell(size_t nv, const ubvector &x, ubvector &y)¶
Maxwell construction of the nuclear matter mixed phase.
inline int fig7fun(size_t nv, const ubvector &x, ubvector &y)¶
Function to construct Fig. 7.
inline int nstar_low(size_t nv, const ubvector &x, ubvector &y)¶
Solve for neutron star matter (low-density phase)
inline int nstar_high(size_t nv, const ubvector &x, ubvector &y)¶
Solve for neutron star matter (high-density phase)
inline int nstar_mixed(size_t nv, const ubvector &x, ubvector &y)¶
Solve for neutron star matter (mixed phase)
inline void store_data()¶
Write a line of data to the table.
inline int nucmixed(size_t nv, const ubvector &x, ubvector &y)¶
Solve for nuclear matter (mixed phase)
inline int neutmixed(size_t nv, const ubvector &x, ubvector &y)¶
Solve for neutron matter (mixed phase)
inline int nucleimat(size_t nv, const ubvector &ex, ubvector &ey)¶
Solve for phase transition to nuclei.
inline int nucleimat_pdrip(size_t nv, const ubvector &ex, ubvector &ey)¶
Solve for phase transition to nuclei with a proton drip.
inline ex_eos_had_apr()¶
inline void run()¶
Main driver, computing the APR EOS and the associated M vs. R curve.
fermion_zerot fzt¶