Class eos_quark (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

class eos_quark : public o2scl::eos_base

Quark matter equation of state base.

Subclassed by o2scl::eos_quark_bag, o2scl::eos_quark_njl

The default quark objects

The masses are automatically set in the constructor to up_default_mass, down_default_mass, and strange_default_mass.c

quark def_up
quark def_down
quark def_strange
o2scl::fermion_rel fet

Object for computing fermion thermodynamics.

inline virtual ~eos_quark()
virtual int calc_p(quark &u, quark &d, quark &s, thermo &th)

Calculate equation of state as a function of chemical potentials.

virtual int calc_e(quark &u, quark &d, quark &s, thermo &th)

Calculate equation of state as a function of density.

virtual int calc_temp_p(quark &u, quark &d, quark &s, double temper, thermo &th)

Calculate equation of state as a function of chemical potentials at finite temperature.

virtual int calc_temp_e(quark &u, quark &d, quark &s, double temper, thermo &th)

Calculate equation of state as a function of density at finite temperature.

inline virtual int calc_temp_f_gen(double nB, double nQ, double nS, double T, thermo &th)

Equation of state as a function of baryon, charge, and strangeness density at finite temperature.

inline virtual const char *type()

Return string denoting type (“eos_quark”)