Class classify_python (o2scl)¶
template<class vec_t = boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>, class vec_int_t = boost::numeric::ublas::vector<int>, class mat_x_t = o2scl::matrix_view_table<>, class mat_y_t = o2scl::matrix_view_table_transpose<>>
class classify_python¶ Classification interface for python.
This class is experimental.
Public Functions
inline classify_python(std::string class_name = "", std::string options = "", int v = 0, std::string module_name = "o2sclpy", std::string set_func = "set_data_str", std::string eval_func = "eval")¶
Specify the Python module and function.
inline void free()¶
Free memory associated with the Python objects and the interpolation.
This function does not finalize the Python interface.
inline virtual ~classify_python()¶
inline int set_function(std::string class_name = "", std::string options = "", int v = 0, std::string s_module = "o2sclpy", std::string set_func = "set_data_str", std::string eval_func = "eval")¶
Specify the python module, class, functions, and options.
inline virtual int set_data(size_t n_in, size_t n_out, size_t n_pts, mat_x_t &user_x, mat_y_t &user_y)¶
Set the data to be interpolated.
inline int set_data_tensor(size_t n_in, size_t n_out, size_t n_pts, const o2scl::tensor<> ¶ms, const o2scl::tensor<int> &outputs)¶
Set the data to be interpolated (tensor form)
inline int eval_std_vec(const std::vector<double> &x, std::vector<int> &y) const¶
Compute the function at point
and return the result.
inline virtual int eval(const vec_t &x, vec_int_t &y) const¶
Evaluate the interpolation at point
, returningy
inline virtual void load(std::string filename, std::string obj_name)¶
Load classifier object from file named
and object nameobj_name
inline virtual void save(std::string filename, std::string obj_name)¶
Save classifier object to file named
and object nameobj_name
Public Members
bool err_nonconv¶
If true, throw exceptions on convergence errors (default true)
int verbose¶
Verbosity parameter (default 0)
Protected Functions
Protected Attributes
size_t n_params¶
Number of parameters.
size_t n_outputs¶
Number of outputs.
size_t n_points¶
Number of points.
PyObject *p_module¶
Python module.
PyObject *p_class¶
Python class.
PyObject *p_instance¶
An instance of the Python class.
PyObject *p_set_args¶
Python function arguments for the set function.
PyObject *p_eval_args¶
Python function arguments for the evaluation function.
PyObject *p_set_func¶
Python set function.
PyObject *p_eval_func¶
Python evaluation function.
PyObject *p_save_func¶
Python save function.
PyObject *p_load_func¶
Python load function.
PyObject *p_loadsave_args¶
Python function arguments for the save and load functions.
std::string c_module¶
Name of Python module.
std::string c_set_func¶
Name of Python set function.
std::string c_eval_func¶
Name of Python eval function.
std::string c_class_name¶
Python class name.
std::string c_options¶
Python options.
Private Functions
classify_python(const classify_python&)¶
classify_python &operator=(const classify_python&)¶
inline classify_python(std::string class_name = "", std::string options = "", int v = 0, std::string module_name = "o2sclpy", std::string set_func = "set_data_str", std::string eval_func = "eval")¶