Class classical_thermo_tl (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

template<class fp_t = double>
class classical_thermo_tl

Classical particle class.


Note that it makes no sense to include \( T=0 \) functions here

Public Functions

inline classical_thermo_tl()

Create a classical particle with mass m and degeneracy g.


This class attempts to handle zero temperature limit somewhat gracefully, even though the classical limit doesn’t necessarily make physical sense there.

inline virtual ~classical_thermo_tl()
inline virtual void calc_mu(part_tl<fp_t> &p, fp_t temper)

Calculate properties as function of chemical potential.

If the temperature is less than zero, the error handler will be called.

inline virtual void calc_density(part_tl<fp_t> &p, fp_t temper)

Calculate properties as function of density.

If the density or the temperature is less than zero, the error handler will be called. In the case of zero density, the chemical potential is set to the mass and the energy density, pressure, and entropy are set to zero.

inline virtual const char *type()

Return string denoting type (“classical_thermo”)

Protected Attributes

fp_t pi

Store \( \pi \) for convenience.