Class auto_format (o2scl_auto_format)

O2scl : Class List

class auto_format

Automatically format output.

This class is a wrapper around output streams which performs automatic spacing and table formatting. Only scientific formatting for floating-point numbers is supported at present.


In class auto_format:

  • Allow user-specified table alignments

  • switch to columnify::add_spaces() and add more complicated table line specifications

  • Implement row_max


  • Create a replacement for std::flush

  • Finish automatic table detection

  • For automatic table detection: allow user to change the number of rows which must have the same number of ‘words’ to verify a table.

  • Make internal algorithm more efficient.



This class caches each line before sending to cout, so issuing cout << std::flush in the middle of a line will not output the buffer to the screen.

The attach() function stores a pointer to the output stream, so the user must take care to make sure this pointer is valid.

For now, this class is in its own namespace, o2scl_auto_format.

Standard buffer

std::vector<std::string> lines

Output line buffer.

size_t precision_

The output precision for floating-point numbers.

Table mode

bool auto_tables

If true, try to automatically detect tables (default true)

size_t n_headers

The number of table header rows.

std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> headers

Headers for table mode.

bool inside_table

If true, we are currently inside a table.

std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> columns

Columns for table mode.

size_t next_column

Index of next column.

size_t row_max

Maximum number of table rows (default 1000)

std::vector<int> aligns

Alignment specifications for table columns.

std::ostream *outs

Pointer to the output stream.

bool align_matrices

If true, align the output of matrices (default true)

int verbose

Verbosity parameter (default 0)

int table_lines

Parameter for table line output.

friend auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, double d)
friend auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, long double d)
template<class data_t>
friend auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<data_t> &vu)

Output a ublas matrix.

If o2scl_auto_format::auto_format::align_matrices is true, then the output is organized into a table.

template<class data_t>
friend auto_format &operator<<(auto_format &at, const std::vector<std::vector<data_t>> &vv)

Output a vector of vectors.

If o2scl_auto_format::auto_format::align_matrices is true and all of the vectors in the list have the same length, then the output is organized into a table.

void attach(std::ostream &out)

Attach an ostream, so that all future output goes there.

void unattach()

Clear the buffer and put all future output to std::cout.

void add_string(std::string s)

Add a string to the output buffer.

void precision(size_t p)

Set the precision of floating-point values.

void off()

Disable formatting and send all output directly to cout.

void on()

Turn on automatic formatting (on by default)

void endline()

Add an endline.

void done()

Flush all buffered output to the screen.

void start_table()

Start a table.

void debug_table()

Debug the table.

void end_table()

End a table.

Protected Attributes

bool enabled

If true, automatic formatting is enabled (default true)